Welcome to the official documentation for EZFN Lobbybots.

Command Arguments Default Permission Description
!hologram - PARTYMEMBER Sets the client's outfit to Hologram
!ironman - PARTYMEMBER Sets the client's outfit to Iron Man
!mintyelf - PARTYMEMBER Sets the client's outfit to Minty Elf
!ninja - PARTYMEMBER Sets the client's outfit to Ninja
!pinkghoul - PARTYMEMBER Sets your cosmetic to Pink Ghoul
!purpleportal - PARTYMEMBER Sets the client's backpack to Purple Portal
!purpleskull - PARTYMEMBER Sets your cosmetic to Purple Skull
!new_cosmetics - PARTYMEMBER Shows new cosmetics
!pointitout - PARTYMEMBER Points out the client
!random - PARTYMEMBER Sets random cosmetics for the client
!battlepass - PARTYMEMBER Sets the battlepass for the client
!friends - OWNER Returns the number of friends the client has
!level - PARTYMEMBER Sets level for the client
!status The status that the bot should use ALL Sets the status for the client
!hide (Optional) The party member to hide PARTYMEMBER Hides the client
!playlist The playlist to set PARTYMEMBER Sets the playlist for the party
!ready - PARTYMEMBER Readies up the client
!show (Optional) The party member to show PARTYMEMBER Shows the user again
!sitin - PARTYMEMBER Sits in the client
!sitout - PARTYMEMBER Sits out the client
!stats - PARTYMEMBER Sets the statistics for the client
!unready - PARTYMEMBER Unreadies the client